Teachers’ self-development by implementing the P4G Business game in the educational process

The implementation of a simulation game in the learning process besides offering a highly engaging environment for students to acquire skills and practice theories they have already learned also becomes a motivating tool for educators to exploit in a way that best f    its the learning objectives of their course and addresses their students‟ different needs. The simulation game acts as a source of a wide range of teaching approaches and learning objectives that necessitate teachers‟ individual handling and expertise to turn them into the most effective learning experience. This is accomplished with teachers‟ creative engagement in the development of educational scenarios inspired by the applied simulation. The development of educational scenarios based on the P4G Business Game leads and triggers teachers‟ engagement in deep thinking of the business skills and relative theory that their students should learn and practice. Furthermore, they need to consider creative and innovative ways to open up the simulation game and align it to their learning objectives and even facilitate a cross-disciplinary teaching approach. In addition, teachers are engaged in the creative process of shaping the most effective learning path that their students would have to follow to accomplish the learning goals. The application and consideration of all these key aspects enhance teachers‟ self-development and creative approach in the educational process. Teachers become creators of their own story line that exploits the simulation environment in order to facilitate students‟ application of skills and knowledge to structure sustainable and competitive strategies. However, certain key elements should be considered for the effective development of scenarios based on the P4G Business Game:

1 – Align the Business Game with learning objectives: The P4G Business Game has many decisionmaking elements embedded, for example, supply, demand, production, marketing, logistics, transfer, package pricing and finance decisions. Therefore, teachers should consider which decisions to emphasize according to their students‟ needs and in line with the planned learning goals of the course. In case teachers wish to facilitate and enhance a cross-disciplinary aspect of entrepreneurship skills they should implement in their scenarios challenges that highlight the wider business aspects (eg. social responsibility, ethics, human resources, etc.) that are also embedded in the P4G Business Game.

2 – Ensure full-exploit of the P4G Business Game features: Teachers‟ self-development is accomplished with their engagement in fully exploiting the sources provided by the simulation game they use and their effort to render it to a most effective educational tool. Since the P4G Business Game is a simulation of the real entrepreneurship world, a wide range of topic areas are addressed in each round of the game. Therefore, teachers should ensure that all business aspects are considered by their students in their decision making process. A sequence of brief-play-debrief activities should be implemented in the teaching scenarios for students‟ feedback and highlighting of particular areas that their students need to improve.

3 – Customization and gradual introduction to the P4G Business Game Complexity: Teachers engaged in developing scenarios should manipulate the business game in a way that students are gradually introduced to more complicated issues or levels of difficulty. This can be accomplished by providing scaffolding in the initial rounds which will be gradually reduced. Developing activities that highlight the key areas that students should consider will considerably help the more inexperienced ones with a simulation environment or weaker students regarding business skills.

4 – Both Partial and Holistic Exploitation of the P4G Business Game features: The P4G Business Game as a simulation of the real business world is structured in a way that all business key topic areas and business competences are dealt and considered. Teachers, in order to achieve the best learning results for their students, should develop activities that highlight the specific interrelated factors that address each topic area as well as the interrelated competences. Shedding light to segmented factors that contribute to the improvement and enhancement of a specific business domain facilitates students‟ focus on a specific set of variables and their better comprehension of the different functions of the game. Finally, the overall analysis and consideration of all segmented factors, in a holistic way, will enable students to realise the complex and multifaceted aspect of the business world and therefore, directly relate what is learned in the simulated environment to the real world.

5–Include tracing and analysis of Assessment aspects: Although the P4G Business Game is structured in a way that certain key business competences are automatically assessed, teachers should include in their scenarios activities that facilitate learners to track and analyse their performance on certain business areas and competences on each round. This way, it is ensured that students track their strategic plans and decisions on areas that require improvement and have consistent feedback with their performance. Exemplary scenarios can be found on the P4G Project Platform http://play4guidance.eu/teacherrecruiterconsultant/

Text by Prof. Zacharoula Smyrnaiou & Liana Petropoulou,

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

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